Thursday, August 20, 2009


READING: Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons... Lessons 67-71. read "readers" levels 1&2 from the library. continued reviewing sight words flash cards.


AUDIO BOOKS: finished "Charlotte's Web"; began "Little House on the Prairie"

Spelling Workout Level A lessons; completed lessons 1-2; BEGAN lesson 3. This book will serve to build Aiden's confidence, as it is easy and will probably be completed in just a few weeks. We will then progress to Spelling Workout Level B for more advanced work.

BIBLE: continued review of bible memory verses. would like to begin a formal bible time every school day.

time flash cards. watched a PBS biography on John & Abigail Adams (; this held Aiden's interest and seemed to be something he is interested in.

MUSIC: continued focusing on understanding eighth-note rhythm. completed Alfred's Prep Course for the Young Beginner Lesson Book Level C, introduced book Level D

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Aiden, continuing with Rosetta Stone Arabic Level 1 (began Unit 1, LESSON 2). Brendan, began with Rosetta Stone English (American) Level 1

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